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來源:技術員聯(lián)盟┆發(fā)布時間:2018-05-21 18:26┆點擊:


  一個軟件端口(通常只是被稱為一個“口”)是一個虛擬的數據連接,可以通過程序用于直接交換數據,而不是通過文件或其他臨時存儲位置。其中最常見的是TCP和UDP端口,這是用來在互聯(lián)網上的計算機之間的數據交換。 3688/udp端口使用服務類型簡單的推- S- S簡單的推協(xié)議。一個畸形的請求端口3688/udp已知會導致拒絕服務攻擊。

  在計算機網絡中使用的TCP和UDP協(xié)議,端口是一個特殊的數字,目前在一個數據包的頭。端口通常用于數據映射到一個特定的計算機上運行的過程中。端口號可以偶爾看到的網站的網址。默認情況下,HTTP使用端口80,HTTPS使用端口443,但一個像:8000/這樣的網址會嘗試連接到一個HTTP服務器的端口8000。 3688/udp端口是用于推簡單的服務。一個例子是:3688/udp/當一個Web服務訪問。 3688/udp端口,可用于多種服務,包括簡單的推安全和更。 3688/udp端口是已知的木馬和遠程執(zhí)行代碼所造成的漏洞。


  Port Number: 3688/udp (Windows 7/Windows Vista/ Windows XP/Windows Server family)

  simple-push Secure

  Protocol Used : simple-push-s

  Service Type : simple-push-s

  Known Port 3688/udp exploits: Yes

  Known Port 3688/udp Security Risks: Yes

  3688端口/udp信息: Windows 7/Vista/XP


  Go to the command prompt (Start>Run>cmd)

  Enter netstat -ano

  You will get a report of Active Connections

  Report includes: Protocol, Local Address, Foreign Address, State, PID


  Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID

  UDP *:* 3688/udp

  Write down the PID (process identifier) associated with port 3688/udp (Also note the Local Address, Foreign Address, Protocol and State.)

  Next, start the Windows Task Manager

  Select the Processes tab in Task Manager

  Search for the PID you wrote down previously

  netstat parameter -s displays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for IP, IPv6, ICMP, ICMPv6, TCP, TCPv6, UDP, and UDPv6


  Windows Firewall may block port 3688/udp by default. If you want to allow a program to communicate using Port 3688/udp through the firewall, you can usually do that by selecting the required program on the Exceptions tab in Windows Firewall. However, sometimes the program is not listed in the Exceptions tab. In this case you need to open the port manually.

  1.Open Windows Firewall by clicking Start, Control Panel, Security, and then Windows Firewall.

  2.Click 'Allow a program through Windows Firewall'.

  3.Click 'Add port'.

  4.In the 'Name' field, type a friendly name for the port like 'Port-3688/udp'.

  5.In the 'Port number' field, enter the port number '3688/udp'.

  6.Select TCP or UDP, depending on the protocol required for port 3688/udp.