大家在玩游戲遇到了看不懂的圖文或是過不去的關(guān)卡、不熟練的技巧攻略的時候是不是很著急呢?沒關(guān)系,游戲攻略吧為你解答。本文給大家分享一下關(guān)于《龍珠 超宇宙》中的一些小技巧,主要是幫助各位玩家在遇到類似情況的時候能夠及時應(yīng)對,下面是本文介紹的技巧心得,游戲攻略吧歡迎大家來進行技巧查找和心得運用。
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 白1金2銀11銅36總50If You Show Me Your Courage
Obtained all trophies!
Only Just Beginning
Cleared the prologue!
Goodbye, Goku
Cleared the Saiyan Saga!
Melancholic Curtain Call
Cleared the Return of the Saiyans Saga!
Impending War
Cleared the Ginyu Force Saga!
Legendary Super Saiyan
Cleared the Frieza Saga!
Goodbye, Warriors
Cleared the Cell Saga!!
Peace For The Future
Cleared the Android Saga!
Battle For The Universe
Cleared the Majin Buu Saga!
Expanding Future
Cleared the God of Destruction Beerus Saga!
Strong Rival, Strong Hero!
Cleared the Demon God Demigra Saga!
Close Calls Are More Exciting!
Cleared the Legendary Super Saiyan Saga!
Heroic Training
Completed training with Goku!
Namekian Training
Completed training with Piccolo!
Orin Temple Training
Completed training with Krillin!
Saiyan Training
Completed training with Vegeta!
Superhero Training
Completed training with Gohan and Videl!
Ginyu Force Training
Completed training with Ginyu!
Tyrannical Training
Completed training with Frieza!
Android Training
Completed training with #18!
Bio-android Training
Completed training with Cell!
World Champ Training
Completed training with Hercule!
Fusion Training
Completed training with Gotenks!
Destroyer Training
Completed training with Beerus!
World's Best Kept Secret!
Obtained your first Dragon Ball!
Another Bit Of Hope
Found Two-Star Ball!
Grandpa's Memoir
Found Four-Star Ball!
The Best Miracle Of The World
Gathered 7 Dragon Balls and summoned Shenron!
The Greatest Warriors
Unlocked all characters and variations!
All Around The Universe
Visited all stages!
For The Sake Of The Future
Played Online Battles for the first time!
Won't You Dance With Me?
Played Online Battles 7 times!