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linux mysql 命令 大全

來(lái)源:技術(shù)員聯(lián)盟┆發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-13 06:23┆點(diǎn)擊:

  也許你還在為剛才動(dòng)態(tài)內(nèi)容獲得7336.76 reqs/s的吞吐率感到振奮,等等,理想和現(xiàn)實(shí)是有差距的,你要忍受現(xiàn)實(shí)的殘酷,別忘了,我們壓力測(cè)試中的動(dòng)態(tài)內(nèi)容都處于全緩存情況下,也就是每次請(qǐng)求都命中緩存,這在現(xiàn)實(shí)中往往是不可能的。





  client_conn 9908723 94.05 Client connections accepted

  client_drop 0 0.00 Connection dropped, no sess/wrk

  client_req 16433490 155.99 Client requests received

  cache_hit 8751732 83.07 Cache hits

  cache_hitpass 42592 0.40 Cache hits for pass

  cache_miss 7573389 71.89 Cache misses

  backend_conn 3889845 36.92 Backend conn. success

  backend_unhealthy 220 0.00 Backend conn. not attempted

  backend_busy 0 0.00 Backend conn. too many

  backend_fail 4536 0.04 Backend conn. failures

  backend_reuse 3780212 35.88 Backend conn. reuses

  backend_toolate 3866687 36.70 Backend conn. was closed

  backend_recycle 7646677 72.58 Backend conn. recycles

  backend_unused 0 0.00 Backend conn. unused

  fetch_head 57 0.00 Fetch head

  fetch_length 155097 1.47 Fetch with Length

  fetch_chunked 7508522 71.27 Fetch chunked

  fetch_eof 0 0.00 Fetch EOF

  fetch_bad 0 0.00 Fetch had bad headers

  fetch_close 3982 0.04 Fetch wanted close

  fetch_oldhttp 0 0.00 Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed

  fetch_zero 0 0.00 Fetch zero len

  fetch_failed 0 0.00 Fetch failed

  n_sess_mem 1033 . N struct sess_mem

  n_sess 633 . N struct sess

  n_object 1016443 . N struct object

  n_vampireobject 0 . N unresurrected objects

  n_objectcore 1017564 . N struct objectcore

  n_objecthead 982903 . N struct objecthead

  n_smf 2647421 . N struct smf

  n_smf_frag 622470 . N small free smf

  n_smf_large 3 . N large free smf

  n_vbe_conn 12 . N struct vbe_conn

  n_wrk 8000 . N worker threads

  n_wrk_create 8000 0.08 N worker threads created

  n_wrk_failed 0 0.00 N worker threads not created

  n_wrk_max 11021 0.10 N worker threads limited

  n_wrk_queue 0 0.00 N queued work requests

  n_wrk_overflow 2441 0.02 N overflowed work requests

  n_wrk_drop 0 0.00 N dropped work requests

  n_backend 4 . N backends

  n_expired 6344546 . N expired objects

  n_lru_nuked 183957 . N LRU nuked objects

  n_lru_saved 0 . N LRU saved objects

  n_lru_moved 3692170 . N LRU moved objects

  n_deathrow 0 . N objects on deathrow

  losthdr 84 0.00 HTTP header overflows

  n_objsendfile 0 0.00 Objects sent with sendfile

  n_objwrite 15466812 146.81 Objects sent with write

  n_objoverflow 0 0.00 Objects overflowing workspace

  s_sess 9906155 94.03 Total Sessions

  s_req 16433490 155.99 Total Requests

  s_pipe 37 0.00 Total pipe

  s_pass 108252 1.03 Total pass

  s_fetch 7667658 72.78 Total fetch

  s_hdrbytes 7187255662 68221.35 Total header bytes

  s_bodybytes 111592032839 1059230.32 Total body bytes

  sess_closed 1905544 18.09 Session Closed

  sess_pipeline 0 0.00 Session Pipeline

  sess_readahead 0 0.00 Session Read Ahead

  sess_linger 15277717 145.02 Session Linger

  sess_herd 13547370 128.59 Session herd

  shm_records 1028855796 9765.89 SHM records

  shm_writes 77957008 739.97 SHM writes

  shm_flushes 131005 1.24 SHM flushes due to overflow

  shm_cont 144281 1.37 SHM MTX contention

  shm_cycles 427 0.00 SHM cycles through buffer

  sm_nreq 15306717 145.29 allocator requests

  sm_nobj 2024948 . outstanding allocations

  sm_balloc 13595295744 . bytes allocated

  sm_bfree 40091795456 . bytes free

  sma_nreq 0 0.00 SMA allocator requests

  sma_nobj 0 . SMA outstanding allocations

  sma_nbytes 0 . SMA outstanding bytes

  sma_balloc 0 . SMA bytes allocated

  sma_bfree 0 . SMA bytes free

  sms_nreq 14062 0.13 SMS allocator requests

  sms_nobj 0 . SMS outstanding allocations

  sms_nbytes 487 . SMS outstanding bytes

  sms_balloc 6844837 . SMS bytes allocated

  sms_bfree 6846298 . SMS bytes freed

  backend_req 7668789 72.79 Backend requests made

  n_vcl 1 0.00 N vcl total

  n_vcl_avail 1 0.00 N vcl available

  n_vcl_discard 0 0.00 N vcl discarded